What Are You Waiting For?

Write the F-ing Book Already!

5-Week Online Course

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank page, paralyzed by the fear of failure, rejection, or wondering if anyone will ever read your words? 

You’re not alone. 

The truth is, every great story starts with overcoming those exact fears. 

I’ve been there. When I wrote and self-published my debut memoir, it was far from perfect. But I knew the world needed my story, so I put it out there, raw and real. And you know what? It went on to help women around the world feel less alone. 

Imagine what your story could do.

What if your story could help just 10 people? And then those 10 people tell 10 others… 

You do the math. 

The impact could be life-changing, not just for others but for YOU, too.

I teach people how to turn their stories into a business empire that helps people.  

For those who haven't met me yet, I'm Amber James, the founder and CEO of Notes To Self Shop.

There was a time when I was terrified to share my story with the world. The fear of failure, judgment, and the nagging thought, “What if no one cares?”

But then one day, I said, “F*** It!” 

I took the leap. I published my book, I Blew Up My Life and I’ve Never Been Happier. It wasn’t perfect, but it was raw, real, and unapologetically mine. 

Yes, many people thought I was "crazy" to self-publish this passion project. But guess what? That decision changed everything.

I could have kept my story to myself, but I’m so glad I didn’t.

In just a few weeks, my book started selling around the world. I was featured on hit podcasts, received guest speaking offers, and was interviewed by major newspapers and TV affiliates. 

But more than anything, the most rewarding part has been hearing from readers who poured out their hearts, thanking me for sharing my story. 

They told me how my journey helped them overcome their own fears and take the leap of faith to go after what they want. 


It’s been incredible to see the impact it’s had, and I’ve learned that our stories—no matter how messy or imperfect—matter. 

Your story matters, too. And you’re the only one who can tell it. So why wait another day? 

What Are You Waiting For?

In this 5-week online course, "Write the F-ing Book Already," I’m going to show you how to conquer those fears and finally tell your story.

Whether it’s the fear of failure, the fear of what people will think, or the emotional weight of digging into old wounds, I’ve been there. 

I’ve come out on the other side, holding a internationally published book that has changed lives! 

I didn't need a traditional publisher or agent. I was able to create my content, own all the rights to it, and publish on my terms. And you can, too!

More women need to share their stories—your time is now!

Imagine This…

A year from now, you’re at a book signing, and someone comes up to you and says, "Your story helped me… [fill in the blank]." 

That feeling? It’s worth more than money. 

But let’s be real—publishing your book opens doors to incredible opportunities:

  • Paid Guest Speaker Events
  • Coaching opportunities
  • Podcasts
  • Book Signings ... and more!

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Any Longer.

The world needs your story. It’s time to... WRITE THE F-ING BOOK ALREADY!

Let’s do this together.

Total Value $1,950


Only   $555* 

That's $1,395 in savings! See, I'm a huge believer in numerology, and the angel number 555 is said to represent positive change, freedom, personal growth, and independence. That's what I want for all of you who join.

Need a payment plan? I got you! 

Pay as little as $114/month for 6 months.

* Available if you pay in full today. 

Or select one of our monthly pricing plans below.

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($555.00) - PAY IN FULL$555.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (6x $114.00)6x $114.00
Special Offer

Score a 20-Minute Virtual V.I.P. Coaching Call With Amber
Add to cart$50.00

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  • Total payment
  • 1xWrite the F-ing Book Already$0

All prices in USD

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

This course is for women who want to overcome their fears and finally tell their stories, whether they’re aspiring authors or have a story burning inside them that they need to share with the world.

Is this course Live or Pre-recorded?

The course will start on October 10, 2024 and will be live on Zoom every week for five consecutive weeks (Eastern Standard Time). The sessions will be recorded and available to watch on our platform. After you sign up, you'll get instant access to our private Facebook group, where you'll get to meet like-minded individuals looking to publish. 

Are there Terms & Conditions?

Terms of use and privacy policy are applied. Client agrees that there are no refunds once checkout is completed and a payment has processed. Client also understands and agrees there are no refunds during or after this program is completed. 

The Client is still responsible for completing all payments regardless of how much material they have completed. Client understands that when they complete the purchase at checkout and a payment has been processed that they are acknowledging that they agree to the terms as stated above.

Results may vary based on individual effort and circumstances. Success is not guaranteed and depends on personal commitment and external factors.

What happens after I sign up?

You will receive a welcome email with all of the instructions on how to begin, along with links to our exclusive Zoom room for each live weekly session. 

Do you offer free trials or refunds?

Due to the design and intellectual property shared in the course, there are NO refunds for any reason. Full payment is required whether you choose to participate or not.